Published on11/28/2020 11:32 am

Are you looking for sauna heaters that can help you sweat more and sweat faster? If yes, then why don’t you invest in Carbon Fiber Sauna Heaters! Carbon Fiber panel sauna heaters are highly effective infrared heaters available on the market.

Infrared Sauna Heater Package with Mechanical Timer

Out of all infrared heaters, 300 Watt Carbon Fiber Infrared Sauna Heater has much larger surface area that covers over 1000 times body surface than any sauna heater. The heating system emits infrared radiation in the 4-14 micron range.

This range is the most suitable spectrum that matches the natural energy absorption of our body closely. The carbon fiber won’t burn like ceramic tube style IR heaters. The optimal temperature remains at 190 degrees as compared to their counterparts which will get glowing red hot up to 600 degrees. However, the lower temperature emits much longer waves that are penetrating deeply.


Carbon Fiber Infrared Sauna Heaters work according to the Wiens Law. The infrared heater emits safe radiation that penetrates up to one inch

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